Hotel cancellation policy

In general, the cancelation policy for hotels is as follows:
  • Cancelations made fifteen (15) or more days prior to the date of arrival will incur a 10% charge.
  • Cancelations made three (3) to fourteen (14) days prior to the date of arrival will incur a two (2) night charge.
  • Cancelations made less than two (2) days prior to the arrival date will incur a 100% charge.
  • If the room you are booking is labeled as non refundable, non cancellable or similar, all cancellations will incur a 100% charge, regardless of the date in which the cancellation is requested.

Cancellation policies can vary seasonally or depending on the hotel or room type. You can review the specific policy for the hotel you selected during the reservation process.

Cancelation policy for the high season and holidays

Christmas, New Year, Holy Week, summer, and Mexican holidays including February 5, May 1, September 16 , November 20 and other dates decided by the hotel.

  • Reservations cancelled thirty (30) days or more prior to the date of arrival will incur a 10% charge.
  • Reservations cancelled fifteen (15) to twenty-nine (29) days prior to the date of arrival will incur a two (2) night charge
  • Reservations cancelled less than fifteen (15) days prior to the date of arrival will incur a 100% charge

There are no refunds for early check outs and “no shows”. If the number of guests on your reservation is reduced once the reservation is paid it is up to the hotel to determine applicable refunds or penalties.

To cancel, call:
1844 344 1595
and have on hand the following information 
Hours of Operation:
24 hours, 365 days a year
  1. Complete name of the traveler
  2. Record locator
  3. Confirmation code (which you received via email)

If you prefer, email your cancelation request to with the above mentioned information and the reason for the cancelation.

Your request will be processed and if it complies with the cancelation policies for the reserved service we will refund the corresponding amount to your credit card.